Oleg Nikishin

Doctor of Naturopathy, Master of Engineering Sciences, Master of Iridology, Master of Phytotherapy, Certified Natural Health Professional, Certified Specialist of Gastrointestinal Disorders – the creator of the system for the integral assessment of the level of holistic health, the inventor of innovative technologies for working with ether and magnetic fields.

Dr. O Oleg Nikishin projects

What is

Alphyz Biofield Jewelry™

Variable electromagnetic fields disrupt subtle processes in the human body, distort its Aura and depress the nervous system. Being under such influence, a person is cut off from the Bio-ether, ceases to feel his connection with nature, with the cosmos, interaction with the subtle plane, subtle energies are no longer available. Oleg Nikishin’s ten years of research in the field of static electricity and magnetic fields brought completely new discoveries. The combination of precious metal alloys, natural crystals and a special shape creates a constant stream of pure, natural ether. A harmonious field is formed around a person, which protects him from external information influence. Multiple reviews every day reveal to us the extraordinary properties of Alphyz Biofield Jewelry.

What Alphyz Biofield Jewelry™ users feel most often?


Energy in the body and do not want to sleep


Field around the body


Lightness of the body


Clarity of thoughts in the head


Don’t want to take off my Resonator

* The survey was conducted among members of a closed group who use the Resonator for different periods of time, from one week to several months.

I have been wearing White Plasma for two months with a ponytail. I have already presented my impressions of the harmonizer’s work to the general group, but nevertheless, there is something to add. Energy flows in a constant stream, so sometimes I even forget what to eat – there is no feeling of hunger at all (but I must note that in the first days of wearing the harmonizer there was a constant feeling of hunger). Plus, I sleep for 2-3 hours and this is enough to continue to be active without feeling tired. As needed, I simply draw prana like water from a spring. I can also add that I look at everything through the eyes of an outside observer. Periodically cleansing the body continues, but everything goes quickly and easily.

Elena , USA

One of my professions is connected with direct contact of “different kinds of people”. Not everyone can react adequately and then a conflict breaks out. When I put on the harmonizer it becomes much easier to do my job. Even when they clearly intrude in the process, there is still no unnecessary annoyance.
Much more power accumulation. I came to the idea that I was tired of the impossibility of communicating on a different level. And the harmonizer balances the flow of my own energy, thereby making it possible to feel when I need to turn off. A very cool thing.

Vataliy, USA